Security Risks of the Talent Shortage Whitepaper

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Security Risks of the Talent Shortage Whitepaper

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In 2021, 1 in every 6 IT outages costs enterprises $6 million. Do you have the talent in place to protect your organization and prevent them from happening?

What is Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery?

Business continuity and disaster recovery are related concepts but they are not interchangeable.

Disaster recovery refers to getting critical IT infrastructure back up and running fast enough to minimize business impact.

Business continuity refers to getting the entire business back up and running. That includes everything from a company’s critical e-commerce operation to its marketing department’s content calendars.

But talent shortages are pushing salaries past the budget of most companies.

What you'll learn in this whitepaper:

  • • Who enterprises should call in the case of an emergency
  • • What a Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery team looks like
  • • The chicken-Egg paradox of Business Continuity
  • • How recruitment partners can accelerate BCDR efforts