With offices right around the country, we’ve got your local recruitment needs covered. Contact your nearest Hays office below.
- Calgary (EN)Unit 1550, 639 5th avenue SW, Alberta,T2P 0M9
- Edmonton (EN)Suite 3400,10180 101 St (Manulife Place),T5J 3S4
- Vancouver (EN)450 – 1095 W. Pender street, Vancouver, V6E 2M6
- Winnipeg (EN)Suite 300,330 St Mary Avenue,R3C 3Z5
- Ottawa (EN)Suite 600,220 Laurier Ave W, K1P 5Z9
- Toronto (EN)8 King Street East, 20th Floor, M5C 1B5
- Montreal (EN)Suite 850, 1555 Peel St, H3A 3L8