10 mistakes you need to avoid if you want a successful career

3 min | Julien Clement | Article | Career development

A smiling woman wearing a blue shirt and holding a coffee cup and laptop. Behind her is an unfocused glass building.

Professional success is not only a matter of technical skill, but also of attitude and behaviour in the workplace.

The mistakes that are killing your career

Small, often overlooked mistakes can accumulate over time and become major obstacles to your career advancement. In fact, some mistakes can end or severely damage your career. 

Here are 10 mistakes that could kill your career:

Insufficient effort: It’s common to become complacent, especially if you’ve been at the same job for years. Yet, pushing yourself daily and venturing beyond your comfort zone can unlock new opportunities, from promotions to pay raises. A bit more effort can lead to exciting career prospects. 

Strategic vision deficit: With a myriad of tasks and coordination demands, it’s tough to pause and adopt a strategic outlook. Nonetheless, grasping your company’s objectives is crucial, enhancing your connection to the organization and revitalizing your professional drive. 

Damaging professional relationships: Maintaining networks and good standing is critical for career progression, particularly within your industry. Alienating colleagues can tarnish your reputation, hindering future job searches. 

Neglecting personal life: Work matters, but without balance, happiness and progress suffer. Carving out personal time is key to overall well-being and career success. 

Merging personal and professional boundaries: Long tenure at a company can blur lines between personal and work relationships. Keeping these separate ensures peak performance and maintains professionalism. 

Chronic dissatisfaction: Job-hopping in search of greener pastures can backfire. Ensure you’re leaving for the right reasons before jumping ship. 

Skill obsolescence: In a world where technology evolves swiftly, staying current is imperative. Outdated skills can leave you behind, outpaced by newer, more adaptable professionals. 

Ignoring intuition: Years in an industry hone your instincts. Trusting this intuition can safeguard against future regrets or doubts in decision-making. 

Overlooking high-value tasks: Rather than spreading thin over trivial tasks, concentrate on impactful projects. These can foster satisfaction and bolster professional development, allowing deeper contemplation of your company role and aiding in your success. 

Self-doubt: Lack of self-belief can lead others to question your capabilities. Rebuild confidence by appreciating your achievements. Dismiss lingering doubts and embrace your worth; you’re more capable than you think. 

Read more: Soft skills that hiring managers are looking for on your resume

Embark with confidence, let’s begin

Achieving career success transcends mere technical expertise; it needs a harmonious and thoughtful work ethic. Steering clear of typical workplace pitfalls lays the groundwork for enduring career advancement. Keep in mind that self-improvement is a perpetual journey, and the hallmark of a true professional is the capacity to adjust and progress—welcome transformation, trust in your talents, and maintain a clear vision of your objectives.

If you are looking for a new job opportunity, check our vacancies.

About this author

Julien Clement
VP, Eastern Canada

Julien has a Master in Finance and started his career at EY France. He joined Hays in Lyon, France in 2011 to help develop the Accounting & Finance desk. Then in 2015 he transferred to Canada, opening the Montreal office in Property and Construction. Julien went on to launch the A&F division in 2017, as well as other specialties including Manufacturing and Logistics, HR, etc. The following year Julien managed the permanent desk for Montreal and in 2020 for both Montreal and Ottawa. In August 2021 he got promoted to Regional Director for the Eastern Region and currently manages and leads our Montreal and Ottawa offices. He also has a strong background in Accounting and Finance, Property, Construction, and IT.

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